Name Angelika Furrer
Ortschaft, Kanton Oberwallis
Angebot Cloth diaper consultation
Renting test packages
Webseite URL
wickelvielfalt / Angelika Furrer, Oberwallis

I am Angelika and I live with my family in Upper Valais. In July 2023, I successfully completed my training as a cloth nappy consultant at the "Stoffwindelschule Schweiz".

My goal is to help families choose the most suitable cloth nappies for them in an uncomplicated and stress-free way through my advice. I firmly believe that together we can find the ideal cloth nappy system that fits effortlessly into your everyday life and meets all your needs and expectations.

Wie bist du zur Stoffwindel gekommen?

A colleague of mine changed her son with cloth nappies. I then found out about cloth nappies during my pregnancy. My husband and I then decided together to change our daughter with cloth nappies.

Was ist deine Lieblingswindel?

My favourite way to wrap is with the Ai2 system. I use the organic cotton prefolds from Avo&Cado and the Lunakind TPU overpants as absorbent pads.

Was ist der lustigste Stoffwindelmythos?

Ahhhh..... surely you're always washing? I have enough washing as it is.

Dein grösster Fail?

Nappy fleece for breast milk chair.... and "plunge" into the topic without advice.

Wo ist bei dir Nachhaltigkeit sonst noch anzutreffen?

I try to use as little plastic as possible. I use my e-bike or public transport instead of the car. Whenever possible, I buy seasonal produce and use vegetables from my own garden.

Was interessiert dich abseits der Welt der Stoffwindeln?

Books, music, fashion,
skiing and snowboarding, mountain biking

Was ist deine liebste Windelkombi für die Nacht?

Panty nappy with overpants

Hast du noch weitere Titel neben «Stoffwindelberaterin»?

Mum and business economist FH

Ein Highlight in deiner Tätigkeit als Stoffwindelberaterin?

I am always delighted when families make the decision to use cloth nappies.