Name Myriam Keller
Ortschaft, Kanton Malters, Lucerne
Angebot Cloth diaper consultation
Renting test packages
Online shop
Alternative period products
Webseite URL
Gewickelt / Myriam Keller, Malters, Lucerne

Nachdem ich erst viele Jahre zur Schule gegangen bin, habe ich kurz auf meinem Beruf als Sozialarbeiterin gearbeitet und gebe heute mein Bestes, dies mit meinen Kids auszuleben. Nebenbei berate ich im Bereich Stoffwindeln- und Tragehilfen.

Wie bist du zur Stoffwindel gekommen?

Just like that.... To be honest I don't know exactly, somehow I thought it was a good idea and then we did it that way - we never questioned it;-)

Was ist deine Lieblingswindel?

There are lots of great nappies, preferably some form of covers that I can fill as I like.

Was ist der lustigste Stoffwindelmythos?

That hygiene can only be achieved by boil washing.

Dein grösster Fail?

I love wool nap overpants - in theory! I had started with it but our junior had a bowel movement 4 times a day at times and I had it on my woolsnaps every time.... I threw them back into a corner shortly afterwards:-)

Wo ist bei dir Nachhaltigkeit sonst noch anzutreffen?

In a wide variety of everyday practical places that are possible with small children and without a car - waste-free shopping in the village for cheese and meat, getting milk directly from the cheese shop, monthly hygiene...

Dein tollster Trick rund ums Wickeln?

Tricks? I don't think it needs any tricks - it's just part of it. The only trick that makes diapering easier is diaper-free :-)

Was interessiert dich abseits der Welt der Stoffwindeln?

Dancing, sewing, cage-making, chatting, being creative, my friends and family

Was ist deine liebste Windelkombi für die Nacht?

Well absorbent panty nappies and wool slips

Hast du noch weitere Titel neben «Stoffwindelberaterin»?

Babywearing counsellor
Soon to be Nappy Change Consultant
Social worker Bsc

Ein Highlight in deiner Tätigkeit als Stoffwindelberaterin?

Pleased and surprised faces again and again when it becomes clear that it is actually suitable for everyday use